
Hey guys! I know I've been off for a while but Piracy's Finest: Chapter 8 is coming soon! 


Ahoy me fellow pirate writer. Hope you are doing good. Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. 


Hey. Thanks for following me. I hope you enjoy Son of the Seas. 


Hey guys! Like my book? Hit me up! I love when y'all message me and send me your fan art and fan mail! I have a whole email dedicated to you guys so email me your awesome fan art and your fan mail! I'll email you back if it catches my eye! its marvelgirl05@gmail.com!


hey there! My name is Lashanna, and first off I just want to apologize if you don't like book advertising. It would mean a lot to me if you took a look at my stories. I really think you'd like them. If you're not interested, I completely understand. Have a great day!
          p.s. I can read your work in return as well