OMB this is prolly one of the most heart-melting comment I ever read. Haha. Thank you for giving me a love x hate feeling. Yeah. I purposely made it a sad ending for it not to have a clichè ending/story. As just like in real life, people would end up having a lover die in sickness or in "suicide" throughout their relationship. I just want my readers to still think not every fiction will give a happy ending towards them and see the realism of one story. Also, I want my first story to leave a mark on my readers. Haha. I'm just glad I made you go out of your comfort zone. I would still have a stories to be posted in the future. I'm just working on my Mystery/Thriller story and might post that up soon here after Chasing You. Thank you so much and God bless also. Hope to hear from you again soon!