
Part of Daniel-Lala is a very exhilarating one to create... Aryo and his gf... Jafin with his soulmate... weird and funny part by Jo and Ajul... raket nyamuk Wicak... kaos kaki Mujek... Chandra and vespa... Brian meets his lover because he lost KTP... and last but not least Sam or Sammy got them all together so it became a simple holiday in Bali because of Sam's wedding, with a road trip that is part of a big project in this universe and of course a lot of fun.
          	So this is a spoiler?


Part of Daniel-Lala is a very exhilarating one to create... Aryo and his gf... Jafin with his soulmate... weird and funny part by Jo and Ajul... raket nyamuk Wicak... kaos kaki Mujek... Chandra and vespa... Brian meets his lover because he lost KTP... and last but not least Sam or Sammy got them all together so it became a simple holiday in Bali because of Sam's wedding, with a road trip that is part of a big project in this universe and of course a lot of fun.
          So this is a spoiler?


Kenapa sih, ada mulu akhir2 ini masa2 gue rasanya semelow itu entah karena apa... dan datengnya selalu tengah malem kalau nggak ganggu tidur waktu pagi2
          Hhhh begadang bukannya ngasilin stok charter yang ada atau sesuatu yg ada faedah malah ngasilin mata panda makin tebel sih iya...
          Yu semangattt