
In my "Poems" book, I wrote a Mother's Day poem dedicated to the "moms" in my life. No one person has always given me that unconditional love, but I know that those who gave it have always worked hard to be able to. Not all the people I have felt that love from was a mother by technical definition, but all have helped to teach me how to show the love I feel in my heart, to give it to those who need it, who want it, who hope for it.
          	Not everyone is so blessed. To those who fall in that category,  know that the mom(s) in your life don't have to be the one who gave birth to you. They don't have to be old (or young) enough to be your mom. Heck, they don't even have to be female.
          	( It might be just me, but I've always felt that the love of a mother, and the love of a father, sibling, friend (or more) , while similar are inherently different. They've felt so to me at least. )
          	For those that fall into a similar category as me - dont be afraid to offer to others what has been given to you - a helping hand, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a warm hug, a "get well soon", "be safe", "welcome back". However you have learned to say that you are here to offer help in whatever capacity you are able to give,  don't be afraid of offering. 
          	Hugs from me to you,
          	Happy Mothers' Day!!


In my "Poems" book, I wrote a Mother's Day poem dedicated to the "moms" in my life. No one person has always given me that unconditional love, but I know that those who gave it have always worked hard to be able to. Not all the people I have felt that love from was a mother by technical definition, but all have helped to teach me how to show the love I feel in my heart, to give it to those who need it, who want it, who hope for it.
          Not everyone is so blessed. To those who fall in that category,  know that the mom(s) in your life don't have to be the one who gave birth to you. They don't have to be old (or young) enough to be your mom. Heck, they don't even have to be female.
          ( It might be just me, but I've always felt that the love of a mother, and the love of a father, sibling, friend (or more) , while similar are inherently different. They've felt so to me at least. )
          For those that fall into a similar category as me - dont be afraid to offer to others what has been given to you - a helping hand, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a warm hug, a "get well soon", "be safe", "welcome back". However you have learned to say that you are here to offer help in whatever capacity you are able to give,  don't be afraid of offering. 
          Hugs from me to you,
          Happy Mothers' Day!!


Hi Everyone! I've decided to write a new book focusing on my writings from college. I'll be sharing my papers, things I found interesting, and other information that would fall into the non-fiction category. The writing style will depend on what the purpose of the assignment was, but I learned some really cool things this last semester and wanted to share it with everyone!
          Hope everyone has been doing well, and as always - if you have any book/story recommendations feel free to send them my way!


Sometimes college is fun and you learn new things to enjoy and gain insights on other things you thought you knew. Other times it's a level of hell designed to slowly melt your brain while you lie surrounded by books and papers sobbing until there's little more you can do than sell your soul to the first bidder to keep what remains of your sanity..... don't mind me - I just have 4 papers, a group project, and a midterm exam for this week  
          On the plus side - I'll actually have some free time this weekend if all goes well. If not.... you're invited to my funeral


Happy Christmas everyone!!! Feel free and share what your favorite gift you got was AND the favorite gift you gave.
          For me: I got my own copy of "Reaper Man" by Terry Pratchett :) and after my dad kept begging and brining up a Hawaiian shaved ice machine... I bought him a book on the history of Hawaiian shaved ice that also has some recipes in it (I know, I'm so cruel XD)
          Haven't written any stories or poems lately since I haven't been struck in the mood. Would you guys be interested in reading something a bit more philosophical and opinion based? Some would be short, others longer, and still yet a few might be essay-worthy in length. Still getting used to putting my thoughts out there, so I don't want to do it unless there's an actual interest. 


My finals are done!!! Good luck to anyone still taking them, and happy holidays! 
          Since I'm now going to actually have *time* to have hobbies outside of school for a few weeks - anyone got any book recommendations for me?


Scroll down ALOT
          Trust me this will put a smile on your face
          Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep
          At least fifteen people in this world love you
          The only reason someone would hate you is because they want to be just like you
          There are at least two people in this world who would die for you
          You mean the world to someone
          When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good will come out of it
          When you thing the world has its back on you, take a look
          Always remember the compliments you've received
          Forget the rude remarks
          So if your a loving friend, send this to 15 people including the person who sent you this (aka me)
          Tonight at midnight, your true love will realize they like you
          Something good will happen to you between 12 in the morning and 4 o'clock pm, tomorrow
          It could be anywhere. Get ready for the greatest shock in your life.
          If you break this chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the next years. Send this to fifteen people
          Make somebody else's day! Help get a smile on somebody's face! Help someone out! remember you are loved
          F. R .I .E .N .D .S
          =fight for you
          =encourage you
          =need you
          =deserve you
          =save you
          Send this to all your friends and me if I'm one, if you get 4 back u r liked but if you get 7 ur lovely. No. Group.


I saw the lights of the city from overhead last night. At first glance they were much like the stars as they lit an otherwise dark backdrop. Pretty in their twinkling but without much apparent purpose.
           Looking closer I began to see some differences. The lights for busy roads vs quiet homes, the traffic lights and moving cars. The different brightness for industrial vs commercial vs residential. The lights that used to shine like stars now had an order to them, one that made it easy to see the flow of a living city.
           I wonder if there will come a time when we can read the night sky as easily. If they will eventually become a map and guide to the very flow and movement of the cosmos.


@PJD_Books I think the whole idea of everything becoming more spread out is so interesting. It makes me wonder just how f u l l the night sky was back woth the dinosaurs. Or even during the ice age. I wonder if the night sky would have been filled with more color, what with the stars being closer and all