
i’ve been so into oumatsu i might do a fanfic for them hehe 


i love oumatsu so much! same with saioumatsu/saimatsu! 
          	  i definitely want to do a saioumatsu fanfic one day!!


hi guys! 
          sorry for the slow update with the komahina book! 
          i recently got sick and i’m still trying to recover from it so ,,, i’ll try my best to write it and post some chapters but in the meantime i will probably still rest and i have some homework i need to catch up on! 
          so you will see the chapters soon i promise! :D


about that last message 
          i mean like ,,, would you like to see my other ships? 
          so maybe instead of like soapies and soniaki i could do sonia x mahiru 
          that or instead of irumatsu i could do kaemaki 
          i can’t really see me doing anything other than saiouma n komahina tho ,,,,


this message may be offensive
y’all . 
          i’m so sorry but i am definitely deleting ‘plain luck’
          that is the most cringiest shit i have ever seen . 
          making mikan stutter in text? 
          calling nagito hope kink freak?? 
          that i- 
          i can’t i really can’t gn