
Hulloooooooooo friends. Ehm yeah. So I was thinking maybe of doing a ziall with like yano... A bit of narry in it. Whattaya guys think? Sorry for not updating narry for a longggg time, I've had like zero. Inspiration and/or motivation to write... So yeah tell me what you think about me doin zialllll.... Love you guysssss<3!


Hulloooooooooo friends. Ehm yeah. So I was thinking maybe of doing a ziall with like yano... A bit of narry in it. Whattaya guys think? Sorry for not updating narry for a longggg time, I've had like zero. Inspiration and/or motivation to write... So yeah tell me what you think about me doin zialllll.... Love you guysssss<3!


My ziall feels though. Ziall is such a passionate couple. (the only other one I ship hardcore besides narry) like let me just... 
          Niall, is humping Zayn in public really necessary? Are they trying to kill me? Do you guys see this?
          Do. You. Fucking. SEE. This. Tears literally streaming down my face right now because I honestly cannot, Niall is clearly trying to give me a heart attack by loving up on Zayn.
          And this fucking kiss? Are you fucking kidding me? Could they be any more perfect? Niall's face though. He's like so shocked and speechless that Zayn just kissed his cheek.
          Could they be any fucking more perfect though, like I knew you were real ziall, I just knew it. And I will be sitting here, with tears streaming down my face until the day you two tell the world about your intense, passionate love for eachother. And then I will say I told you so, and die in the Ziall adorableness. 
          That is all.


Shin splints hurt. They hurt so bad. I probably look like a fool with my shins all iced up. I need a ice bath. So yeah. Band is hard but getting better besides my stupid shin splints. So yeah I've written about half of chapter 10 or whatever chapter this is. Yeah. Sorry I'm so busy, these band people be cray cray making us practice 10 hours a day. That's right. 10. Hours. Like I shouldn't even be up that early. Anyway. I'll probably upload sunday or somethin but no promises, I'm dead tired. Love you all have good morning/night. Sleep welllll! Or... Wake up well...? Heh. Night guise. Xx-M