Quick announcent that's going to take a few posts to complete because I wrote too much:
Alright people, I don't normally do announcements like this, but right now, I can't sit back and do nothing.
If you haven't already heard, there's this thing going around the EU called Article 13. From what I gathered, it's a law that wants to control the media and cracks down on any sort of copyrighted content, like fanart and fanfiction. This also includes memes, because most images on the internet that make up memes are copyrighted. Now, even if you're not in the EU, this WILL impact you. You like YouTube videos? Well enjoy what you can, because if this passes, most of that content you enjoy will be gone. Sites like YouTube and Tumblr probably can place blockers for specific countries, but if this passes, it will be too hard to do that for every single video or post. This means even the people in the USA will lose most of the videos and content that they like.
I probably didn't explain that 100% correctly, but here are three links that explain it much better than I did:
https://youtu.be/GbXHrj8k7dg -This video is probably the best one out there because it has humour, but also explains it really well.
https://youtube-creators.googleblog.com/2018/09/why-creators-should-care-about-european.html?m=1 -This explains the impact it would have, even if it's more YouTube focused.
https://www.wired.co.uk/article/what-is-article-13-article-11-european-directive-on-copyright-explained-meme-ban -This post explains what it is and who it came from and what will happen if passed.
(End of part 1)