
Why did I have a dream that Nico di Angelo was tyler Joseph’s son? I remember it it full detail and it seamed super real.
          	Also happy pride month


GUYS. i just noticed something. Jayfeather, jason and fitz all have ppl who love them, and ppl who hate them. kinda a split subject. BUT. there is another thing. they are all shipped with inanimate objects. LOOK. jayfeather: stick Jason:Brick     Fitz: chandelier.  BOOM!


@Loonsong7 Not a huge fan of Fitz and Jason but other than Squirrelflight Jayfeather’s my fav!!!


Hi, uh, I don't wanna be a bother..... but I'm panicking a bit and I need someone to talk to.
          I wish I could post on my page, but one of my friends is following me and I'm not ready to tell her.
          Would it be ok if I talked to you maybe?


hey! ofc i don’t mind. this is a safe space for everyone and i’m always here if you need to talk


hey i noticed you liked volleyall to sooo ... hi


this message may be offensive
Me neither man but I’m worried I’ll forget my user if I change it (he’s pulled some shit)