
          	So if anyone sees this, I am not dead. I'm just absolutely exhausted with literally everything in life. Haha!
          	Got a new job, apartment, new life basically. Been living it for a while.
          	And oh God, my hands! These accused hands of mine! They forsake me so!
          	I've had writers block for basically a full year. Having to force myself just to write the simplest of things. It sucks. 
          	Been getting back into just recently late last week, and I plan on moving ahead. 
          	Unfortunately this means I might drop a story or two and move onto others completely. 
          	Not like I've done that before or anything...
          	But hey, at least I'm alive I guess?


          So if anyone sees this, I am not dead. I'm just absolutely exhausted with literally everything in life. Haha!
          Got a new job, apartment, new life basically. Been living it for a while.
          And oh God, my hands! These accused hands of mine! They forsake me so!
          I've had writers block for basically a full year. Having to force myself just to write the simplest of things. It sucks. 
          Been getting back into just recently late last week, and I plan on moving ahead. 
          Unfortunately this means I might drop a story or two and move onto others completely. 
          Not like I've done that before or anything...
          But hey, at least I'm alive I guess?


Really love your Akame ga Kill Book :)
          And wanted to ask if it is going to be updated ? 


I have really enjoyed the revisions you’ve made to your story so far


            Howdy, sorry bout the late reply, still getting used to my new schedule.
            But yes I do plan on updating it, but I wanna focus on the rewrites/revisions before working on newer chapters.


For those who be interested,
          I got my lazy butt to work on my Akame ga kill rewrite~
          I'm not sure if everyone who follows the book gets an update or not when I edit the chapter, so I'm putting this here just in case.
          And yes - this story is still alive.
          I'm just lazy


@pkwriterRed5 Cool, can't wait for the chapter.


this message may be offensive
@ pkwriterRed5  Holy shit!! I thought the story is dead already 
            Glad to hear it still alive.


Howdy again~!
          Sooooo I've done a possible stupid...
          I got my ungodly long project done - But that just means I got myself some more work...
          it's a new story...
          Yes. Yes I know, I need to work on my other ones.
          I will, I just had this story sitting on my computer for so long, and I desperately wanted to start it. 
          Honestly, I'm pretty proud of it.
          It's a Fire Emblem Awakening x male reader story - Check it out on my profile if you're interested!
          Or don't and be peeved with me for not working on my other works...
          which is completely fair...


I'm still alive ( I think?)
          Well howdy folks!
          I - I've been gone for a while haven't I?
          I became very unmotivated to do any writing as it became a massive chore for me, I still had plans to do something with the stories I have written. But at the time I just couldn't bring myself to focus on them. I just grew bored.
          Well now, after a solid year of nothing, I'm going to do my best to get back into it once more. 
          So please wish me luck as I've got my own work piling on top of me...
          Ooooohhh booooiiii
          Welp, I can only apologize for just straight up disappearing. And I know that is no real excuse, but I can;t really lie about it.
          So, I am sorry.
          But I shall continue, albeit very slowly. ( I do have a busy life after all..) 
          Thank you all for your patience.


@pkwriterRed5 Is it up for adoption? Because if so then I would be honored if I could adopt it.


@pkwriterRed5 that's understandable. If you can pull off a soul eater rewrite then I'm all for it


            After I finish the project that I'm working on, I plan on working on the next Aot chapter. I think the reason I stopped writing that one all that time ago was because I wanted to base the story mostly off the manga series.
            However, the series kinda got....bad?
            I mostly didn't like where they were taking the story, just felt a bit much.
            Granted, where I plan on taking mine is a bit much as well I'll try to make it work.
            As for the Soul Eater story, I plan on doing a bulk rewrite of it, starting the story from scratch as I now have a concrete plan on what to do with it.
            I noticed halfway through the series that I really didn't exactly know what I was doing with the story, and kept changing it again and again until I found exactly what I wanted from it.
            So I plan on going back and completely reworking most of the early chapters and give them basically an overhaul as I can't help but cringe when I read them.
            Unfortunately, for the SU story...
            I'm not sure if I'll ever get back to it. Like I said, I mostly did it for my girlfriend at the time and kinda lost all motivation writing it once we split. I know that you and a lot of other people like it, but I might not bring myself to enjoy it as much as the rest of my stories. I also don't want to just throw senseless garbage at you guys unless it's a meme. I might even give it away to another person and help them with it if they want, I honestly don't know...
             At least for that story, it's up in the air.