
i'm not dead. busy as hell, but not dead.


@pladicus that's probably a good idea, your thumb will get hurt from scrolling so much tho. I wish you luck!


@Ansley_Petrova rip as i try to sort through them. probably easier if i just go through the books by themselves


@pladicus that's what happens when you stay away for 5 months hahajaha


I really thought it was going crazy when I randomly met remembered your stories. It’s been so long that it took me awhile to remember the titles of them, and that you were the author 
          I will admit that I’m bummed that your stories are no longer available, but I understand that you’ve probably taken them down for a reason. 
          I just wanted to say that your works have had an impression on me as a reader, and they still cross my mind from time to time, all these years later (at least five years?? Likely even closer to seven??). You were one of the best Clexa authors I’d come across - one that sparked my years’ long, 100+ Clexa fic journey - and really helped to soothe the ache that Lexa’s ending had left in my heart. I’m forever grateful for the impact you’ve made as an author, and the space you’ve created in this fandom as a storyteller. 
          I hope you’re doing well these days, and that the chaos of life hasn’t stopped you from creating 
          If you ever decide to re-post your previous works, or drop some new musings, you’ll always have a fan in me. 
          Until we meet again