It's settled. I'm unpublishing everything. I won't delete it, because it's a reminder of who I used to be, and sometimes these things are necessary. They won't be available for consumption though, which I believe is best. They are the product of me being unhappy with myself, which, to an extent, I still am. My hope is to reinvent who I am, make my writing better, and come back to you with something I am proud of. For so long I was ripping myself open, spilling my guts, and for what? To put words on a screen? To entertain someone? I can't be like this anymore. I don't know how long I'll take to work on myself. I'll still be active on here, and I'll continue to write, but until I can make something cohesive and, for lack of a better word, good, I'd rather keep my musings to myself. I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone, but I've already pushed myself too far and that damage is done. I refuse to reopen the wounds.
Love you guys.