
also, thank you so much for all the love and support on before you say goodbye & slowly but surely! it means the world to me. i know i say this all the time but i truly am grateful for all of you. thank you for always being so patient with me. 
          	i love you. x


also, thank you so much for all the love and support on before you say goodbye & slowly but surely! it means the world to me. i know i say this all the time but i truly am grateful for all of you. thank you for always being so patient with me. 
          i love you. x


hello, hi, i'm officially back from my unintended hiatus. i know i've been gone for about a month and i'm so sorry for not updating my books, even when i said i would and that there will be more updates coming your way.
          a lot of unforeseen things have happened, some even taking a toll on my day-to-day activities and only recently did i notice i'd actually broke away from a lot of the things i loved doing as i felt myself slowly spiralling out of control. having recently graduated, finding a job has been one of my many worries and personal issues have also gotten in the way of a lot of things, which is why i've been absent for a month.
          i think i can safely say that since the start of the new year, i've seen quite a number of things in a different light, gained new perspectives, seen a lot of true colours being shown and discovered a new side of myself that was heart-wrenching to even admit to.
          loving yourself is something that's rather hard to do but so incredibly vital, even if it's proven to be quite the challenge. take care of yourself, always. be gentle & nice to yourself always. and do love yourself, always.
          i'm in the midst of writing a new chapter for all my books (some about halfway/three quarters done) and that includes before you say goodbye as well! i hope you're all doing well. i've truly missed every single one of you.
          thank you for your never ending love & support. thank you for being patient with me despite my many hiatuses. i'm always grateful for every single of you. ❤
          with love,


@temptingholland i've missed you, too!!!!!! ❤


missed you!!!!!


@tommosonlyangel hi there, love! sorry for the late reply but thank you so much for your sweet words!! ❤ reading this truly warmed my heart & put such a big smile on my face! i'm so glad you love them coz they're honestly the cutest (terry can gtfo oops). and paul rudd truly is the best. i love him to death. thank you so much for this! ily! ❤


happy new year, my loves! may you always be showered with an abundance of love, joy & success because you guys deserve nothing but the absolute best. you are all just absolutely lovely & wonderful and i'm so incredibly grateful for every single one of you. 
          i hope that, in this new year & decade, you'll find whatever it is that you're looking for, whether that's happiness or love or success or anything at all, really. i hope you'll find it. 
          i love you. ❤ keep doing you. you're doing great.
          thank you for everything. 
          with love,