
/  blows away dust. ahem. i never explored her relationship with roman bridger enough i fear. it still hums in the back of my mind everytime i listen to  'my boy only breaks his favorite toys'


/  this rant was really impromptu but listen. i had to let this out somewhere. ig i'll slink back into my cave now


/  not figuring out that roman was ghostface broke lou to the point of closing her emotions off and treating life even more like a chess game so she'd never slip up on knowing someone more than they know themselves again. when you aim at the devil, make sure you don't miss. but never take advice from someone who's falling apart  (lou weathers)  ((because roman left only her broken parts and she's been trying to prove her smarts ever since))


/  puzzle pieces in the dead of night!!  i should've known it was a matter of time!!!!  i felt more when we played pretend than with all the kens 'cause he took me out of my box.


/  blows away dust. ahem. i never explored her relationship with roman bridger enough i fear. it still hums in the back of my mind everytime i listen to  'my boy only breaks his favorite toys'


/  this rant was really impromptu but listen. i had to let this out somewhere. ig i'll slink back into my cave now


/  not figuring out that roman was ghostface broke lou to the point of closing her emotions off and treating life even more like a chess game so she'd never slip up on knowing someone more than they know themselves again. when you aim at the devil, make sure you don't miss. but never take advice from someone who's falling apart  (lou weathers)  ((because roman left only her broken parts and she's been trying to prove her smarts ever since))


/  puzzle pieces in the dead of night!!  i should've known it was a matter of time!!!!  i felt more when we played pretend than with all the kens 'cause he took me out of my box.


/  look…  i know i keep abandoning her. but the brainrot,,  the brainrot is slowly creeping up on me……  i can FEEL her. we could also blame my incessant listening to ttpd bc. lou weathers core.


/  but also, mastermind. nothing is ever accidental with this bitch. she's only cryptic and machiavellian 'cause she cares!!!   she was on that stab movie set to scheme her way back into gale weathers' life!!


did  you  actually  love  him?   


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SOMETHING  TO  DIE  FOR,  @plainsights- :
            {  ten  months  over  and  gale  still  doesn't  know  if  it's  over  for  good.   that's  the  kicker  of  it  all,   isn't  it?   you  never  know  it's  over  until  you're  standing  in  the  blood  of  the  ones  who  didn't  reach  such  an  intact  end.    you  never  know  it's  over  until  you're  waking  up  in  the  dead  of  night  in  a  house,   not  a  home,   clutching  your  bedsheets  and  hoping  your  world  is  still  intact.   she's  defended  lou  for  all  this  time  and  will  continue  to  do  so,   blocking  out  the  soul  deconstructors  with  a  loud  correction  from  the  blood-speckled  rose  picked  by  the  killer  himself,    but  she  can't  pretend  she  never  wondered.    at  the  answer  gale  huffs  out  a  sound  of  annoyance,   blue  eyes  sharpened  into  daggers  before  she  brushes  into  her  usual  demeanour.  }    he  was  a  pussy.    {  she  fills  in,   voice  hard.  }    too  weak  to  face  himself  on  his  own.    fuck,   what  is  it  with  these  men  and  mommy  issues?   it's  the  goddamn  backbone  to  this  entire  nightmare.    ( .. )   i'm  glad  you  didn't  wind  up  with  him,   though.   even  if  things  were  different,   the  guy  never  shut  his  mouth.


(  @stabsreport-  )
            he defined what i perceived love to be at the time.   [  there are layers. lou spent a moment too long hesitating to answer that question for her to brush it over with the logical tear-apart she's treated herself with since it all went down. between a strong case of vicious compulsory heterosexuality, the thrill of being paraded a little bit like a trophy, and an  'i can decode him'  attitude that made it into a personal competition for lou. now it was obsession  :  how could i not hear the voices in his head?   i'll make sure to stay ten steps ahead of everyone else from now on. it was machiavellian. it was self-defence. ]    i was his toy. he was hardly anything of a man.


huh.  that's  the  partner  you  mentioned?
          *   listening  to  ttpd  right  now ,,  no  one  gets  this  like  we  do


SOMETHING  TO  DIE  FOR,  @plainsights- :
            oh,  it's  nothing.   just  that  he  has  the  personality  of  wet  cardboard.    {  her  casual  rip-off-the-band-aid  strategy  is  paired  with  her  blunt  disregard  for  whatever  her  cousin  may  say  about  roman  bridger,  one  brow  arching  in  the  standard  unimpressed  fashion.  }     how  did  you  two  meet?    he  doesn't  strike  me  as  someone  who  speaks  your  language.
            *   she  said  this  one  was  for  us !!   she's  hiding  in  our  dms  i'm  sure  of  it.


(  @stabsreport-  )
            yes.  [  jesus, gale weathers has gotten hard to read. perhaps it's the years of rusted telephones and unfamiliarity stretching a sea between them that makes it hard. but this is a reaction she cannot decipher. ]    you seem surprised.
            /  real !!   so real !!   i have not stopped listening to it and idk when i ever will. how can we believe she DIDN'T make this album for us???


air  hugs  are  still  on  the  table,   right ?? 


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,   @plainsights-  :
            {  the  way  ellie  seems  to  glow  at  the  question  should  be  warning  enough.   she'll  take  any  version  of  a  hug  that  she  can  get,   air  or  not,   and  the  absence  of  a  hard  'no'   feels  like  a  victory.   opening  her  arms  ellie  steps  forward,   pausing  when  she's  inches  away  from  actually  embracing  the  elder.   }     it's  this !   i  know  you  don't  like  being  touched—  which  is  totally  fine,   i  mean,   it's  not  bad  or  anything—   so  i  thought  i'd  find  a  way  to  hug  you  without  making  you  uncomfy   :)    
            *   put  her  in  your  pocket  &&  keep  her  safe  forever !!    she's  so  babygirl


(  @ghostends-  )
            air hugs.  [  lou's brow creases with a mix of confusion and intrigue, with a softness lingering behind her eyes in response to the innocent affection from the sunshine girl. ]   how does that work, exactly ?
            /  oh ellie-marie let me hold you she's so pure  


could  i  ask  you  something ??
          *    she  wants  to  photograph  her  for  the  family  album   :')    


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,   @plainsights-  :
            well...whatever  did  or  didn't  happen  was  completely  asked  for  by  me.    you're  good !    {  in  full  disclosure  she  knows  her  mother  was  thrown  by  the  sudden  phone  call  followed  immediately  by  a  night  spent  crying  to  taylor  swift  in  her  old  room,   but  that's  besides  the  point.   sometimes  a  girl  just  needs  to  listen  to   'nothing  new'   and  weep  into  her  pillow.   at  the  blessed  switch  of  topic  ellie-marie  brightens  significantly,   bopping  up  in  place.  }     are  you  kidding ?     you're  GORGEOUS,   lou.    you're  like,   super  photogenic.   i  have  a  good  eye  for  these  things,   you  know,   and  i  was  thinking  that  we  could  get  some  balcony  shots !!    maybe  at  night.    it  looks  classier  then,   it'll  match  you  well.
            *   lou  censoring  herself  for  ellie  is  driving  me  insane  actually !! 


(  @ghostends-  )
            i did.  [  the rebuttal is simple but true. it was the regular phone call from gale that started with a  ' what did you do ? '  instead of a  ' hello. '  lou had noticed the blonde's prolonged sulking silence after that conversation and probably for the first time ever, felt a certain heaviness of guilt for being so harsh for the girl who clearly needed a good therapist's gentle approach. but,, that's past. this is something different. lou's brow creases with mild impatience and mostly curiosity. her eyes widen just slightly at the question. is she serious ?   she knew the kid was an aspiring photographer, but..  ]    i'm not really the most photogenic of people, kid. what kind of shi--  stuff are we talking.


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,   @plainsights-  :
            you  didn't  do  that !!    {  her  rush  to  absolve  pairs  beautifully  with  her  need  to  reassure  her  cousin  against  something  that  definitely  did  happen    ( with  a  new  playlist  to  soundtrack  the  emotional  spiral  she  DID  ask  for )   before  she  can  even  acknowledge  her  growing  nerves,   feet  shuffling  against  the  floor.   }    i'm  putting  together  a  little  photo  album,   you  know,   and..  and,  uh,  i  was  wondering ..   well.   i  was  wondering  if  maybe ..    {  can  she  draw  this  out  longer ?    her  nose  scrunches  as  her  eyes  squeeze  shut  in  response  to  mounting  anxiety,   refusing  to  meet  lou's  piercing  gaze.   }    wonderingifmaybeicantakephotosofyouforit?


/  just had an epiphany about how  ' tolerate it '  coded she is. this has the potential to be kind of devastating.


*    i  love  when  you  wake  up  and  choose  violence.   however  i  am  now  in  tears !


/  the intensity of the meaning behind the entire first verse with Her……   the bridge  ,,   what if i was thinking about jumping off of very tall somethings  (  i did this to myself  )


ohthankgod  you're  okay !!    i  had  to  bribe  a  few  nurses  to  get  over  here  but  ohmigodiwassoworried !!
          *   post  six❗


(  @ghostends-  )
            when are you not.  [  it's the closest lou can get to humour. ellie-marie is built on positivity and sunshine,, at least she tries to appear that way. it's not all so black and white, but that isn't a topic for now. the young blonde could still be openly bleeding and she would still be fine as long as lou was first. awkwardness swells in her throat, and cold lips manage to quirk into a smile that lou will also come to blame on the power of pain medication. ]    uh-huh. you're my favorite cousin too, kid.
            /  ms lou weathers is a wednesday addams variant so it makes sense  !!!


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,   @plainsights-  :
            positive.    {  is  she ?   physically,   sure.   she  will  be.   it  didn't  feel  GOOD  to  fall  through  glass  casing,   but  she  hardly  views  it  as  the  thing  to  take  her  out  once  and  for  all.    she's  built  for  wear  and  tear.   }     i  haven't  seen  my  back  yet,    but  the  nurses  said  it's  got  the  worst  damage.   maybe  a  little  nerve  issues  from  now  on,    but  nothin'   i  can't  handle.     ( .. )     does  that  mean  you  can't  be  my  favorite ?    i  don't  think  so  :)    i  think  you'd  be  my  favorite  if  i  had  twenty  cousins,   so  that  counts  for  something.    
            *   we  are  well-versed  in  sunshine  &  midnight  rain !!


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(  @ghostends-  )
            makes sense.   [  it's a fair defence and lou allows it to slide. there's an ache in her bones and a pulsing beneath the bandage around her hips but,, she's alive. she's fucking glad to be too,, glad that they all are. ]    i'm sure, kid. are you ?    [  this is a conversation not under the influence of a plethora of pain meds. lou sighs quietly, folding her arms over her chest. ]    ...   aren't i your only cousin  ?
            /  looks like we have another dynamic duo on our hands  !!!


/  lou weathers aka little miss treats every conversation like a chess game she doesn't know how to NOT be a strategist i stg


@cheerslshed  /  can confirm she IS mastermind coded  !!!   you're right  !!


@plainsights- ㅤㅤ */  mastermind coded btw !!