Hello there, Everyone! Heads up, hands on your heart, strengthen your legs, and give a big smile to yourself. It's not hard to give yourself a time, but some people keep of pleasing others, forgetting themselves in the middle of nowhere. You deserve praise from yourself, you deserve love from yourself, you deserve sincerity from yourself. It's good that you are helping others, but all people would appreciate your helps, times and honesty that you had given to them. Some people look on what they did to you not what you did to them. But its otherwise even if you did small lapse. Consider yourself more precious treasure than others. You, yourself know what is best for you and to others. Give yours a beautiful memories not dreams. Dreams can be shuttered or made but memories cannot be create. Its can be be manage but it will never be same again. BE WHO YOU ARE NOT WHO THEY WANT YOU TO BE.
@plan_fluke hahaha.. Wats dis now??? Did u copy from somewhere???... Joke aside, love urself first then only u cn love other... World is only fair when u r true to urself... Being someone is important so create urself a new version of u...