
Hey guys, I added a new chapter to my #AltEnding #JustWriteIt story. Check it out and leave a comment with what you think :) Thanks! xoxo


Good morning Wattpad! I hope that you're all enjoying the two posts I've uploaded. The first was cut short because my internet went out, but I tried to give a decent chunk in the second upload. Currently working on some more hefty additions to the story. Leave comments with what you think about it so far! Your feedback is always welcome.


          I can't wait to upload the next part to this story. Thank you all for voting, reading commenting, and enjoying what I've written. You guys mean so much to me! 
          I'm also going to upload an extra part this weekend on top of Monday's upload. So sorry again for the delay! <3


Posted Thursday's part today instead because I won't be able to tomorrow. If you don't know, I'm moving on Friday and I have a LOT to do Thursday. Plus I have an 8 month old puppy to take care of throughout this stressful week. Please leave me some comments to respond to this weekend. I love hearing from all of you. <3