
this message may be offensive
what the fuck america. why would you guys let that man back into office.


i'm going to be taking down my story because I recently repent to God, may he bless all of you <3. i know some people were waiting, so sorry about that. but i have to give up the harry potter fandom and im gonna miss it.  i hope whovever reads this has a good day/night. LOVE YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU!! and remember: its never too late to repent and turn to God/Jesus!! <333


why did my dad literally get fired because a white man called him the n word and my dad yelled back at him?? like, were they expecting him to just accept it or what lmao


@Filllucy8 exactly, he should have! but people today are like that and will favor specific people more than others


that’s literally the double standard what? Like Shouldn’t the white man get in trouble for harassing him 