
Hey everyone!
          	I have decided to post the link to the other website that I am posting for my stories which is one of mine and everyone's favorite. The link is below. Hope it will help. I am currently working on the chapter and finding some ideas for the story to make it very interesting. Hope you enjoy them.


Hey everyone! To let you know that I am not sure how much longer to keep this webpage. I will be graduating very soon and this page is connected to my student account. But that doesn't mean that a few of my stories would be stopped. I am transferring or passing them into another name. All saying goes, if life ends a new one will be reborn from the ashes like a phoenix. Or something like that.
          If you like to know the rest of the story, be on the lookout for my other name on either page because your support has never left me. I will still keep on going for you guys.
          I hope that you understand and I will soon post some very soon before time runs out.
          Thanks for listening.


Hey there, since you like the another reality sailor saints I was wondering if you would like to look at the new Sailor Moon and Saint Seiya Fanfiction I made.
          I would like to see Your opinion on it, I try to update it every week when I can.


Hey, there! Spring semester will be hard for me to post including when I don't know when my final year would last. Since this is linked to my other email, I was not completely sure if this hold well. Just letting you know I will keep you posted when I will transfer some of my stories to my other website or not when it happens.
          However, sorry to keep you waiting. I will post some as soon as I can once I I caught on with my school semester. Please forgive me for this type of time.