i am here to adress the work i had made about fonts on accounts. i would like to say some things that seemed to get confused.
1) i was NOT forcing you to change things. i never once said that you HAD to change the fonts in your accounts. i suggested it, then gave reasons why you should. i was never forcing anyone to do ANYTHING.
2) i was not calling anyone horrible people for having fonts in their accounts. hell, i used to have them in my account but i educated myself abt them. ehll, my friends had them ! i just wanted people to know that they were bad. i never once said any person was bad, just the font themself.
3) don't you DARE send any hate to any of my friends who defended me. if you do they WILL tell me and i WILL attack you for it. send all your anger my way. ill take it.
4) i am going to be taking a short break from wattpad. wattpad has always been a sort of safe place for me, and that has been taken away lately. all my work will be on hold and i will not be active for at least a day. i will most likely be gone for longer, but i am not sure. if you would like to spam me with love, go ahead and do so.
if i offended anyone i am sorry, but know that they way you all cam eoff was rude, angry, sarcastic, and hateful. i just mirrored those feelings. who i was when replying to your comments is not who i am, its a partof me that comes out when i am angry.
goodbye for a few days, i guess.