hello everyone,
as im writing this its been
roughly 6 hours since the news of
Chadwicks death came into light.
the news came out whilst i was asleep, checking twitter it shocked me.
Chadwick is a great role model
for all Africans, African-Americans
and a legend that will be talked about
for his great and inspiring roles/movies
and general manner and personality.
he will forever be our favorite
t”challah and in our hearts.
i wish i had the chance to thank
him for all the work hes done.
being a marvel fan means so much
more than seeing the hot guys
shirtless or seeing who’s the cutest girl.
sometimes i forget that for these
characters to be born, someone
has to make them. i forget the talents
and hard work it takes to create them.
ive only known Chadwick for his
Black Panther movies, ive never
seen any of his other work. but just
that is enough to show me how much
he put into playing a part in constructing
this universe, how much of a genuine
and amazing guy he is, how much
dedication it took from him to work
in his suffering body.
my condolences go out to his family
and friends, and all those affected.
thank you Chadwick for making
our fantasies a reality, you are a true star
Shine Bright.