
"Up and adim Prompto. Need help packing up the camp site so we can get on the road as soon as possible." 


            sighing,  prompto rubbed his face with his hands before he yawned loudly.  then,  he started to make his way out of the tent.  spotting gladio,  he made his way over and then took the tin with a light smile.  "thanks!"  he was already being cheery this early and while he was still mostly tired.  he took a drink of the coffee then exhaled. 


He didn't mind giving him a bit of time. He was all too familiar what he and Noctis was like in the morning. Gladio waited by the small table where Ignus was busy making something for them. When Prompto came out Gladio held out a tin can of coffee for him. Just to help him wake up a little better. 


            prompto gave a playfully exaggerated sigh.  "you're not going to let me refuse,  are you?"  the blond shut his eyes again before he rolled onto his back and stretched.  truthfully,  he didn't mind getting up /that/ much.  it would just take a second to actually,  fully wake up.  "i'm coming.."  and soon enough he jumped up onto his feet and stretched even more.  


..    again   ?    you   —    you  should  not  have  come  back   .    you  should  leave   .


            you haven't?  well...  *  the blond thought to himself,  putting one hand to his chin.  *  me and my best friend usually just go out to eat or go play games at the arcade.  or just..  hang out and talk,  you know?  


i  don’t  know   ..    i’ve  never  hung  out  with  someone  before   ?     *     he  admitted  awkwardly   ,     picking  the  pads  of  his  fingertips  as  he  did   .     *     what  do  people  usually  do   ?


            really?  *  with a laugh,  prompto scratched the back of his head.  *  that's good.  i'm glad you do,  otherwise this might be awkward.  so!  what do androids usually do when they hang out? 


this message may be offensive
“Holy shit, that looks bad. You good?”


            "yeah,  yeah--"  the gunslinger sucked in a breath of air,  keeping his hands around his twisted,  slightly swollen ankle.  "um..  if you want to help,  you can just..  help me back to my car?  and the guys...  i doubt there's much else you can do.  and,  you really don't have to help!  i appreciate the offer,  though."  he sent her a bright grin.


            “I mean, if you say so, but like... are you sure...? I don’t really know how to help, but uh, I can try if you’re really hurt.” Susie crouched down beside the other, but she stayed a few feet away from him due to lack of trust for this stranger. 


            "oh!  yeah...  it's just..  i think i tripped and fell and twisted my ankle.  i'll be alright,  though!  no worries."


are  you  supposed  to  be  here   ?    sneaking  around    ?


            it's nothing,  really.  don't even worry about it,  man.  *  the blond smiled in a friendly manner,  walking forwards with colin once again.  *


oh   .    my  apologies   .     *     his  shoulder  did  tense  even  from  the  light  tap   ,    eyes  remaining  on  the  floor   .     *     we  really  should  be  hurrying   ,    it’s  not  far  now   .


            *  blinking his bright blue eyes,  prompto paused for a moment then laughed and lightly hit colin on the back of the shoulder.  *  relax,  dude.  i am pretty foolish so it's hardly an insult.  i don't care how you talk to me,  anyways.