Hey everyone! Rhonda contacted me and wanted to let everyone know that she is okay but she got caught in some family stuff and schoolwork. She said she loves you and she hopes everyone is doing well. :D
Hey girl...I just noticed something on that cute book of yours. ..who is Sammy black?? That wasn't your ex is it? ? If so strike his name from the record...he's banished to Ex's land where there can be no reprieve...giggles
there was a fandom were The Doctor(DW) changed into a teenage girl and then started listening to Panic! At The Disco and feel in love with Brandon Urie and they got married but the doctor had to take all of his memories away because of the Silence and didn't want Brandon to get hurt...
@RhondaSommer sounds like something you should write. .then submit it as a possible um...um..fuck..um..you know what episodes are. ..I'm such a forgetful dork..giggles again..