
Just a quick heads up for all of you cute little haters on my mb, I will be making myself a new account so I'll sadly not be able to respond to you on this account anymore :(
          	But I'm sure you'll find my new account and continue to be mad on my new MB so I'm very excited to meet you all on my new account :D
          	Until then, don't worry and see you soon :)


@pleasedonotworry man why yall impersonating?????


Hey, I have come to apologize for overreacting and threataning you so violently.
          It was very immature of me to threaten you on your MB instead of trying to talk. I'm genuinley sorry.
          This isn't an excuse for my actions, but an explanation. I have anger issues and that means I can just get really angry without feeling like it was wrong or thinking how it could impact somebody. Again, it was immature of me to tell you to K~S over a username.
          Honestly, I found it a little offensive at first considering the history of the username. I realize you guys are just joking around and don't mean any harm.
          I saw the Kemi account interacting with the Eclipse and Phantom haters, so I wrongly assumed harassment was your goal.
          My actions were inexcusable and I feel like an awful person for actually telling you to K~S. I know how painful it can be from experience and I hate that I made you feel the same way just because I can't control my anger. I was in the wrong here and understand if you find my actions unforgivable or find this apology fake for any reason.
          I deeply apologize for my actions and presenting myself in such an immture and hedonistic way. I hope you're well and are feeling good. I wouldn't want you to feel the way I did when I've been told to K~S. If you would like to get back at me, talk through this further, or let me know if there is any part I left out in my apology or any other people I should apologize to, please let me know on my MB.
          Cordially, Azaliya.


Just a quick heads up for all of you cute little haters on my mb, I will be making myself a new account so I'll sadly not be able to respond to you on this account anymore :(
          But I'm sure you'll find my new account and continue to be mad on my new MB so I'm very excited to meet you all on my new account :D
          Until then, don't worry and see you soon :)


@pleasedonotworry man why yall impersonating?????


Here's an entire list of people that love you:
          Thanks for reading!


@IsChezdayIniBoahWah Excuse me, can you unblock me?


@degamingboerbotswana you claim to know a lot so how about you show some proof of our harassment "bro"? 


@IsChezdayIniBoahWah  bro, I know this your alt account 


VERY BAD! 20 social credits have been deducted 低等公民 and your internet access card 上网通行证 has been suspended for: [24 Hours]. Please refrain from mentioning events that never happened that could discredit the great 人民共产党 People’s Communist Party again or we will be forced to 饿了就睡觉 send party agents to escort you to a re-education van [人民行刑车].




@pleasedonotworry  ATTENTION CITIZEN!市民请注意! This is the Central Intelligentsia of the Chinese Communist Party• 您的Internet 浏览器历史记录和活动引起了我们的注意。 , YOUR INTERNET ACTIVITY HAS ATTRACTED OUR ATTENTION. [ 此,您的个人资料中的 11115 (-11115 Social Credits)个社会积分将打折。 DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!不要再这样做!lf you do not hesitate, more Social Credits ( -11115 Social Credits )will be subtracted from your profile, resulting in the subtraction of ration supplies.(由人民供应部重新 £ CCP You'll also be sent into a re-education camp in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Zone. 如果您毫不犹豫,更多的社会信用将从您的个人资料中打折,从而导致口粮供应减少。悠还将被送到新疆维吾尔自治区的再教育营。 为党争光!Glory to the CCP!


this message may be offensive
Nu uh. Fuck off.


@Ris3sBlo0dm0on No I didn’t, and did you ask my gf before stealing her user?


this message may be offensive
Fucking delete this account. So disrespectful to Comrade Potato, omg


@pleasedonotworry Quit smiling, bitch. When I find you, it'll be wiped off your face so hard. You won't smile again until Judgement Day