hey guys so here some information I just shared with one of my readers who asked me about the battle scars sequel ✨
I have received a countless amount of comments, messages, emails begging for the sequel and I'd really love to start the sequel soon (I said I would ) but the truth is I've been so overwhelmed and worried about ruining battle scars for everyone! I have so many wonderful ideas that will make everyone go nuts (possibly cry) in the sequel but I need to make sure I have good filler too (not just pointless dialogue which I think I had quite a few times in book 1) I will promise to you now that I will have something in the next 1-3 months whether it be an introduction, one chapter, or four chapters! i just started drawing on this white board my ideas and writing everything down in a note book and right now I just really need to find a way for the story to click so that I can make it beautiful for the fans of my story.. thank you so much for you're patience! I love you guys very much ~carter
ps. please feel free to message me here or email me at beautifullyinkedtrees@gmail.com for ANY questions you may have about my story