
Hello everyone!!!  (although i tak rasa sesapa baca)
          	Salam 2020 eventhough its already February but like lets be real,,, Jan was like a trial month lol. Anywayssss, I just wanted to say that I'm contemplating whether or not  to delete fanfic jungkook i tu. It is very hard on me to make an actual decision sebab that ff is one of my biggest achievement. I know ah kan cam hek eleh itu je achievement kau sepanjang 18 tahun kau hidup? tapi imagine this- I grew up here on this app. I came across wattpad masa 11 years old and like many other gen z that were dying to be y/n, I decided to write. The starting of my love towards reading and writing is here. When I was 12, I started writing an EXO ff (its not deleted but I dunno where it is) pastu i continue buat cerita Kawin Paksa masa I f1 until f2. Without wattpad, i dont think my writing skills would have flourished to what it is today. Im not saying that I pandai tulis cerita but it has really helped me academically. When I started daydreaming about idols and writing it down, I tak terfikir akan ada THOUSANDS of people reading it. Bahasa yang i guna dlm ff ni LOL BERDOSA GILA APA BENDA INGAT COOL KE BUDAK 13 TAHUN CAKAP PASAL BENDA BENDA CENTU?????? but i guess thats like the side effect of this thing (knowing too much when ur too little). On the other hand, i tak rasa ada lagi org baca ff tu and I want to start fresh. I want to write again. Being an author has been my dream dari I kecik. Now, I ada masa and I can think of more realistic scenarios and would like to write an actual story. Weird ke kalau I write on this website and bukan like actually publishing a book? I just rasa yang this account is like my safe place. Only 0 to none of my friends know this account and idk i guess I feel secure here. You guys probably tak baca pun smpi bawah ni but I need opinions :) help me?


Hello everyone!!!  (although i tak rasa sesapa baca)
          Salam 2020 eventhough its already February but like lets be real,,, Jan was like a trial month lol. Anywayssss, I just wanted to say that I'm contemplating whether or not  to delete fanfic jungkook i tu. It is very hard on me to make an actual decision sebab that ff is one of my biggest achievement. I know ah kan cam hek eleh itu je achievement kau sepanjang 18 tahun kau hidup? tapi imagine this- I grew up here on this app. I came across wattpad masa 11 years old and like many other gen z that were dying to be y/n, I decided to write. The starting of my love towards reading and writing is here. When I was 12, I started writing an EXO ff (its not deleted but I dunno where it is) pastu i continue buat cerita Kawin Paksa masa I f1 until f2. Without wattpad, i dont think my writing skills would have flourished to what it is today. Im not saying that I pandai tulis cerita but it has really helped me academically. When I started daydreaming about idols and writing it down, I tak terfikir akan ada THOUSANDS of people reading it. Bahasa yang i guna dlm ff ni LOL BERDOSA GILA APA BENDA INGAT COOL KE BUDAK 13 TAHUN CAKAP PASAL BENDA BENDA CENTU?????? but i guess thats like the side effect of this thing (knowing too much when ur too little). On the other hand, i tak rasa ada lagi org baca ff tu and I want to start fresh. I want to write again. Being an author has been my dream dari I kecik. Now, I ada masa and I can think of more realistic scenarios and would like to write an actual story. Weird ke kalau I write on this website and bukan like actually publishing a book? I just rasa yang this account is like my safe place. Only 0 to none of my friends know this account and idk i guess I feel secure here. You guys probably tak baca pun smpi bawah ni but I need opinions :) help me?


Guys just a quick note.
          I am alive. Tak mati lagi and utk semua yg tgh tunggu update ff love me , tunggu smpi cuti sklh ni ye.. Mianhae semua sebok Sgt tahun ni. Esok exam. Tq. Harap semua dapat menunggu. Good luck chingus yg exam esok cam kita