
You’ve taken over my life


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support?!? i no longer own myself and you accuse me of support?!? how dare you! *tosses head dramatically* *falls over* ah fuck


@FranktasticBastarde omg I'm so sorry I haven't seen this sooner! Thank you for your support ♡


Guess who it is? Hahah


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I am highLy incapabLe of writing anything. My writing skiLLs have gone to shit & I am finding it hard on myseLf to update or produce anything. As of now, I am utterLy obsoLete. 
          I'm sorry for Letting you guys down. I KNOW I have some insane stories & concepts that some of you are dying to read more about. I reaLLy can't push myseLf enough for this to make work for you readers to enjoy. You aLL deserve the best for supporting my writing… and right now I can't exactLy provide such things. I don't want to produce half assed work. 
          I'm not starting any new projects because I know I literaLLy cannot finish them. Great ideas, great concepts.. I'm reaLLy sorry for never finishing them. But trust me that I wiLL. I aLready have my priorities settLed. Which stories need more updates because they get more views. I just need to do the most important part; write. Everything is ready. And when inspiration strikes, I'LL put something out just for you guys. I assure you that my writing days are not over. 
          I'm reaLLy sorry guys! Hang in there. Thank you aLL so much. 


Hey! Wanna pLay with me? I'm open to anything. Kinks. PLots. Themes. It could be the ugliest or sweetest of things and I'll be okay. Literate or illiterate [the use of * or - to indicate action]. I only ever do Marilyn Manson band ships, though. 
          PLease private message me for detaiLs. Thank you! ♡


@freakshowcorpse was that a Chucky reference?? 