
Ever since Wattpad came out with all these changes of unskippable ads, coins, other paywall, and etc. it’s come to a point where I think it’s time for an app change. I’ve moved to the Inkitt app, all my information is the same and I will continue to write my stories over there. This has been a long time coming. For the time being I won’t delete this app but I am starting a transfer of books like “the view from here” onto inkitt. I will come with more chapters soon. 


Ever since Wattpad came out with all these changes of unskippable ads, coins, other paywall, and etc. it’s come to a point where I think it’s time for an app change. I’ve moved to the Inkitt app, all my information is the same and I will continue to write my stories over there. This has been a long time coming. For the time being I won’t delete this app but I am starting a transfer of books like “the view from here” onto inkitt. I will come with more chapters soon. 


Thank you sooo much for reading and voting on The One Who Got Left Behind!! I really appreciate it!


@Inky_Fingers_ Me thanking you is probably going to get boring but you are always the first person to read my new chapter... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!


It's no problem I really like the book you are doing great in it