Ok STORY TIIIME! So one time my friends Isaiah,Ethan, and I were cutting through the forest to get to the train tracks and to get across a stream we had to cross a log and so I went first and when I got across I look back and Isaiah is falling backwards into the stream the only thing keeping him up is a shrub in the water but he was still slipping so I call to Ethan to pull him up and he just stands there staring at him and I know this sounds mean but I just started laughing so hard and they started laughing to so I ended up pulling him up and we finished crossing to the tracks.
Wile I’m on the topic of train tracks one time Robby,Don, and I were there and a storm started and the wind was howling and the rain was like bullets flying at us. So we started running for shelter and leaves started flying everywhere and some of those leaves just happened to be poison ivy and well it totally just slapped me across the face and for a whole week my face was constantly droopy and I was always crying uncontrollably and I had sweat and snot to and my GOD it was terrible. Well that’s all thanks for reading and have a lovely day!