name! Madison house! Slytherin character convo! full name! Madison Paige Mather nickname! Maddy/ Mads. (sometimes she allows her REALLY close friends to call her Paige, but she beats up who she doesn't allow.) prefered name! Madison/ Maddy. age (preferably 17-18)! 17 sexuality! bisexual. face claim ! jennifer connelly in the 80s. childhood! She spent most of her childhood trying to live up to her parents expectations, so when she got to hogwarts she wouldn't let anything get in her way. family relations (as detailed as you like) ! love interest (teddy or i make one or none) + tropes (at least 2) ! She had a brother that goes to hogwarts. Her parents died in a train crash so her brother is like a big role figure to her. personality (specific)! Conservative, keeps to herself and only hangs out with a few people, she tries her best but doesn't let anyone see it, she stays kind all the time, she doesn't talk much, smart, enthusiastic, caring, sensitive, emotionally intelligent, (therapist friend.) and pushed herself too hard. physical health ! she's in good shape but tends to fall asleep and get very tired due to how much she pushes herself to be the best. mental health! She has a borderline personality disorder, that's why she barely talks. hobbies! Writting, singing, learning (every subject), quiditch, (she fought to be on the team and wouldn't take no for an answer just because she was a girl) spell casting for fun. habits! Bites her lip when she's anxious or feels like she's not doing enough, causing it to bleed sometimes. Whenever someone is talking, she zones out, causing the person to just walk away. birthday! 2nd April. ethnicity! Her mother was arabic and her father was Spanish. zodiac! Aries. nationality! British. likes (at least 3)! winning, getting things right, being the best. dislikes (at least 3) ! Talking, distractions, not winning. aesthetic! soft Etherealcore/ dark Etherealcore and little women core.

@plutowillbeaplanet okay so im in love w maddy sm. do you want her to have a love interest ???