I had a huge message typed, but it would not let me post it.
the main gist of it was stay safe. stay as safe as possible, because no matter where you are, you are not really safe.
terrorism has no religion.
terrorism has no country.
terrorism has no skin colour.
terrorism has no country of origin.
terrorism can be done by anyone.
please stop making us relive out horrible past we've already endured, because that's what we're doing. you're blind if you can't see it. going in circles will get us no where but destroying our world. we've got to realise this and make our world better, as the next generation, because the people of this generation are leaving us a hella fxcking huge mess, and leaving us to fix it, sadly, because they can't do it themselves.
last but not least, we are people. we are countries. we are the world. and most of all, WE ARE NOT AFRAID.
stay strong, safe, and I love you.