
Do you know what a deep dark abyss is? It's in your mind, when you can't sleep at night. When you just can't sleep, fear climbing your body, all you hear is the ticking of a clock or the wind of a fan. Your mind will start to wonder down that deep dark abyss. Filled with fear. Suddenly, you'll end up so deep you can't find your way out. Stuck there. Forced to try to live a normal life, pretending you don't feel a monster watching you, pretending happy, normal. Pretending you don't  feel all eyes watching you. Pretending you're not scared. That's all you can do. Some people go even farther, driving them insane. To the point where everything is out to get them. These people are very very unfortunate, because the only way they can go is deeper. You know where deeper leads? Death. Don't wander too far..


Do you know what a deep dark abyss is? It's in your mind, when you can't sleep at night. When you just can't sleep, fear climbing your body, all you hear is the ticking of a clock or the wind of a fan. Your mind will start to wonder down that deep dark abyss. Filled with fear. Suddenly, you'll end up so deep you can't find your way out. Stuck there. Forced to try to live a normal life, pretending you don't feel a monster watching you, pretending happy, normal. Pretending you don't  feel all eyes watching you. Pretending you're not scared. That's all you can do. Some people go even farther, driving them insane. To the point where everything is out to get them. These people are very very unfortunate, because the only way they can go is deeper. You know where deeper leads? Death. Don't wander too far..