So I’m gonna post a poem that I came up with earlier today so here it goes let me know if you like it
“I can fix her I know I can and I’m going to.”
“But you can’t fix something that doesn’t want to be fixed, that is impossible to fix.”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean is that she is as broken as the glass on the door that her dad slammed on the day he walked out on her life for good. She is as broken as the many bottles her mom has thrown at her that have have hit the wall after barley missing her. She is as broken as the mirror she punched because she saw someone looking back at her who she thought wasn’t pretty enough. She is as broken as her skin after she drug the blade across it because she needed to feel something other than empty. She is as broken as her phone that she threw after getting all those messages about not being good enough. She is as broken as her soul after all of the names she’s called herself because she thinks she’s not good enough.”
“You can’t fix her and I know this because she is me and I don’t wanna be fixed.”
So just saying this doesn’t represent me exactly I was just bored and inspired and this is the result