@stories4youbyme Hello Cora! Firstly, my humblest gratitude for your compliment. Secondly, It'd be an honour to help anyone with poetry! Poetry is being neglected more and more as the years go by and I'm glad that you've decided to get into poetry. Poetry (for me, at least) is/ should be a freely expressed thought. Completely. It's a bit of a challenge for many, but that depends on your type. First off, you need to know what type of poetry you're better at, and for beginners, I always advise them to pick a theme (or more than one) and stick to that. Once you do, inspiration will come knocking on your door like the amount of times you inhale. Anything can be your inspiration. If that doesn't work and you feel like you write in a free range. Then work with that. Take anything as an inspiration and write.What you should focus on more though, is to complete one piece before starting another. Never rush it though! Always take your time. Even if it takes days or weeks to complete one, take your time. Never rush. What else can I say? Ummmm, oh! Never be afraid to write anything. Sometimes your hand will just guide you through the poem, but your mind disagrees with what you see on the paper. Don't stop. Let it flow. Let it finish, then decide. Then you can change. Avoid stopping whenever your poem just flows. It interrupts your mood and concentration. One more thing, some people have a certain atmosphere that they need to be in to be able to write anything. (For example: you may find yourself writing greatly in your garden with a cup of coffee or so) Find your comfortable place and never be afraid to write what comes to mind. That's all I can think of at the moment. You're welcome. Hope I helped in some sort of way!
-Yours sincerely,