
Just came to announce that I am officially done with this app, it was fun while it lasted but i gotta let y’all go. Follow my other socials where I am more active.
          	Tumblr: fvckingpeachy
          	Insta: basiccisab (currently deactivated but will be reactivated soon)
          	TikTok: basiccisab
          	Discord: faebae.
          	Bye guys </3


Just came to announce that I am officially done with this app, it was fun while it lasted but i gotta let y’all go. Follow my other socials where I am more active.
          Tumblr: fvckingpeachy
          Insta: basiccisab (currently deactivated but will be reactivated soon)
          TikTok: basiccisab
          Discord: faebae.
          Bye guys </3


i hate when y’all try to defend shitty people just bc they’re ur fav…like wdym you still stan this ped0philic and racist youtuber?? it just reflects on how your moral compass works; you only want to hate on those things to seem morally correct but won’t care about it when it is actively happening.


this message may be offensive
Don’t post stuff on my message board, i WILL delete it
          If you have something to say to me just private message me
          Some of y’all think ur slick and will comment bigoted shit and I’m not the one to play with so DONT.