
@Jeordie @TilskKarishma this is what Pogo said when I posted this to his Facebook .... "Skold, to his credit, did not really rip off Twiggy... Twiggy ripped off Brad..." lol so I guess he feels the same as u, Renny . 


          I really like your stories
          I was wondering if you could read my story "Angel with the Scabbed Wings"? 
          its only one chapter so far because I gotta do the writing from my phone, but could you please read it and tell me what you think?? you dont have to if you dont want to, but I kinda need someone to read it/give me feedback so I can continue it. 
          thanks a bunch!!!


I love ur name btw all my friends call me pogo cause im just a crazy mutha fucka. And i like to think i have ADHD because it would explain a lot of my randomness and being unable to focus but anyhow u seem cool so just wanted say hi in a long dramatic detailed way!


@gothunicornarmy no way!! I'm pogo. lol. that's awesome. thanks for the support. I have his autograph and lots of Manson memorabilia. I'm more so friends with his brother. used to be with him, but he's way too angry now.


I think you're already awesome and I've just read your bio. but I'm planning on reading all of your  books to


@WeirdStoriesIWrite thanks for the support!


@thevampirechronicles thanks so much for reading!


Thank you sooooooo much for making an APC fanfiction. I thought I was the only one on Wattpad that even /mentioned/ Maynard!


@WolfkunsRain god, I love Maynard And APC. that's actually one of my fav fanfics I've done, despite it not being Manson. lol