
I'm currently posting some stories I have unfinished on my computer, most of them are in Portuguese. I hope that having the stories here motivate me to write more.
          	have a great day~


Thank you for voting for my story and following me! It means a lot to me! Also, I totally can relate to your bio. I never can finish a story for some reason! But, I do have all of 115 years written but I’m not going to post it all at once because I still am editing parts of it. It was one of my only completed stories! lol
          Anyway, thanks and I will be reading your stories soon!!


@NY_Jayden hey! thank you for following back, I can't wait to read more of 115 years! have a great day xx


hello humans and non humans. Para variar, nunca mais escrevi Its All My Fault, mas comecei um projeto novo, que como sempre, espero não abandonar a meio como costumo fazer. Decidi escrever em português desta vez. Espero que gostem de Indiferente, see you later pals