i love chocolates and strawberries and cream
i am a coffee addict but that's not the reason why i have insomnia
i am schizophrenic also has split personality at times
i have a strong personality that's what others think about me besides that of course the impression that i'm a demonic witch roaming around the streets hahah ^^ but never mind that to those who know me better i'm a very sensitive person.
i'm easy to please.....
i love dusk and dawn...i love black cause for me it has allot of story to tell... speaking of stories i love writing stories poems and songs....
i sing aloud when i'm angry that's my other way of releasing my tension...i have allot of piercing which is a story after another...
i love reading books mostly paranormal, history, detective stories, novels...i also love movies it depends on my mood when i'm choosing what to watch..
sometimes i have short memory lapses and short attention span so better yet be ready to cope up and be patient at me..
i love role playing games, Manga, anime and fashion...
i also love photos haha i'm really an addict when it comes to photos woahhh everything about art and music you can't take it out off my system it's like my own kind of drug... i can't sleep without music it makes my mind peaceful before going to sleep..
i also love paranormal activities, the unknown world and creatures cause i believe that there's a lot to be discovered out of the unknown
i hate backstabbers and those who have hobbies of judging and discriminating people based on what they look like they really piss me off...What i do look like and wear is based on self expression and art if you can't deal with it just shut up and mind your own business...
  • philippines
  • JoinedJuly 20, 2013
