
hot and pretty girls love Carlos Oliveira 


he was in love with her
          or at least she tought so
          she was broken hearted
          maybe he was too
          neither of them knew.
          she was way too hot to handle
          he was way too high to try
          he couldn't even see her
          he wouldn't open his eyes
          she was on her way to the stars
          he didn't say goodbye.
          she looked back from her future
          and shed a few tears
          he looked into his past
          and actually felt fear
          for both of them
          the answers - would never he everclear
          don't ask questions now
          do that later
          she brings joy
          he brings Shakespeare 
          it's almost a tragedy
          says she
          don't endanger me
          don't endanger me
          he really can't answer her
          he's afraid of her
          he's hiding from her
          and he knows - that he's hurting her 
          she tells the truth 
          she writes about it 
          she's an informer 
          he's an x-lover
          there's nothing there for her 
          she's already gone 
          there's nothing that can stop her 
          she was just flying 
          thru the clouds 
          where he saw her...
          she was just making her way 
          to the stars 
          when he lost her.
          A poem by Stevie Nicks


Es asombroso que no haya abandonado todos mis ideales. Parecen muy absurdos y poco prácticos, y sin embargo me aferro a ellos porque todavía creo, a pesar de todo, que la gente es realmente buena en el fondo de su corazón .
          Anne Frank