
what's crackalacking I'm back


Hey guys. I'm failing terribly but I'm going to try and get back on for updates. I'm so so terribly sorry. My life isn't working out and life is getting hard but I'm almost ready to start back up


@Mushroom_132 of course, it's really really nice to hear sometimes.


@_W1ll0w_Tr33_ remember that you are doing great and it will get better I promise, ik you get really tired of hearing "it will be better" and it annoying when people keep telling me that but it's also important to think about.


@Mushroom_132  thanks haha, I'm doing better but actually, thank you so much : ) 
            -The one, the only, . 


Hey guys, so my mental health is crashing and i mighg not write for a while, ive gotten back into alcohol, relapses, and cigars. Even tho im not writing im reading which means im checking my inbox and im replying to anything, i feel so bad and ill get to you whenever i can!! - Willow


@_W1ll0w_Tr33_ dont hurry yourself. author to author, it is way better to take a long break than to start writing a book that you never felt was good enough. also, im so so sorry about your mental health and relapsing;(( dm me if you want to talk, im here. remember to stay safe and let yourself rest<3