
Hey guys ! I just updated "Golden Gaze" !!! Chapter Twenty Eight is the new chapter and I hope you all love it because it took me a while to write since I'm returning to that story. <3


@ponyboysmiles  That story is amazing ! Could you continue it ? It is absolutely beautiful work !


Hey guys ! I just updated "Golden Gaze" !!! Chapter Twenty Eight is the new chapter and I hope you all love it because it took me a while to write since I'm returning to that story. <3


@ponyboysmiles  That story is amazing ! Could you continue it ? It is absolutely beautiful work !


I've officially unpublished all my Johnnyboy stories. It pains me to do this, but I want to redirect my writing into my own original stories, characters, etc.
          I am so sorry to all those who loved my stories, but I am eternally thankful for all of you. You all have motivated me to become the best creator I can be, and hopefully I continue to grow. I love all of you; my online family. Thank you.
          I will continue to write stories, so if you would like, please check them out! They'll all be original, ranging from chicklit, sci-fi, poetry, and YA literature. 
          Much love,
          (my username shall soon change from 'ponyboysmiles' to something else soon)


@babyboogreaser thank you, love ! that’s amazing to hear & I appreciate your support. much love is coming your way from me ♡


awh heck im actually tearing up because sheets was one of my out most favourite johnnyboy books aa,, its really sad to see you go but i really hope you thrive with your newer books <3 ill still read your work tho, your work is phenomenal 


          It is painful to announce this, but I will slowly be removing my fan fictions from this account. I decided that I would like to write my own original stories, because I one day want to be a published writer. 
          I love you all, and thank you for enjoying my stories, helping me grow, and allowing me to make several friends. 
          I will still write, but they will be my own stories; I hope that you all still enjoy. 
          All my love, 


I love your fan fictions, I enjoy reading them over and over again 


Okay, whatever makes you happy! Will your fan fictions (specially Ti Amo da Lotano) be posted somewhere else, or just in general, deleted?