
So, I have an idea for "Hands Of Creation" the idea relates on how krieg ends up joining the devils(Rais) willingly, it goes along the lines of, time skip one week and Issei is a devil, blitz would inform krieg and they would ask to tag along to where he goes, thats my idea, if any of you have a idea you think could be Better please message me, the next chapter will be posted December Eleventh Twenty twenty. 


So, I have an idea for "Hands Of Creation" the idea relates on how krieg ends up joining the devils(Rais) willingly, it goes along the lines of, time skip one week and Issei is a devil, blitz would inform krieg and they would ask to tag along to where he goes, thats my idea, if any of you have a idea you think could be Better please message me, the next chapter will be posted December Eleventh Twenty twenty.