hey, so i dont really have much platforms to post this on, but about 4 months ago i experienced what it felt to have an important adult in my life take advantage of my trust. he knew my age, he knew i was a minor. although he was 18, i trusted his intentions were just to find friends with similar interests. but about a month into our friendship, he'd started making inappropriate comments about me and my boyfriend (a year younger than i was) at the time. though he said he was just playing, it made me very much uncomfortable. i ignored it and told him to not talk about it. he'd started to make more and more of these 'jokes', even going far enough to say when we'd all meet he would get me and my lover at the time a sound proof room to do 'things'. i never stood up for myself, and till this day i regret not doing so. so please, if anything like this is going on for anyone of you guys, please dont hesitate to talk about it, nor to talk about it with professionals.