@the_boba_queen has tagged me in something and I decided to do it. I don't really understand what it is but here we go. Rules: You gotta post the rules Write five facts about yourself Then tag 15 people to do it (v much sorry for you, I went through the pain) It can’t be in comments or replies(idc what you do) And if it isn’t done within a week there’ll be consequences(Now, this consequence will be quite funny…) The rules will be in the comments, to copy and paste if you’re on a desktop or whatever. #1 From the ages of about 7 to 11 my school thought I was dyslexic because I couldn't write my letters the right way around (My parents now claim it was because I'm left handed) and I was told to use a blue over lay which I still have now. #2 I have had one of my poems published in an anthology book after I entered a poetry writing contest in school. I was one of the winners and it was my poem named 'my ball of sadness' that was released in a book. #3 Other than writing, which I spend most of my life doing, I enjoy reading, drawing, painting, watching an obsessive amount of anime and sport even though I'm not very good at it. #4 I am a lesbian. I spent a long time doubting myself and refusing to admit to myself that I don't like boys and my last girlfriend had to deal with me, at the start of the relationship, breaking up with her to date guys because of this. I've never told her why I broke up with her until now. #5 I enjoy acting. I currently attend a drama class and, even though I have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression, which sometimes makes it hard to preform, as long as I remind myself that I'm not being me, I love the stage. The people I tag for this are: @writtinggirl22 @HELPZIMWEIRD @illthinkofanamelater @cupcakesugarslol @OliviaB21 @Philtops @Cronaphan @cutypikachu02 @Phandom_70L @sophiehigginslol @Troyler-phangirl @Maddisonj15 @idiotforlife @juliaaeryn12 @LarryIsPhantastic69 @DAWN_OF_THE_DIL Now have fun writing your own!

Rules: You gotta post the rules Write five facts about yourself Then tag 15 people to do it It can’t be in comments or replies(idc what you do) And if it isn’t done within a week there’ll be consequences(Now, this consequence will be quite funny…) The rules will be in the comments, to copy and paste if you’re on a desktop or whatever.