Sup! I'm popper126. Welcome to my cancerous Wattpad account.
I've been using this account for years and all of my old stories are still here, left to rot and die.
Anyways, I'm a transgender (female to male) furry who likes to draw, watch anime, watch YouTube, cosplay, play video games, and roleplay.
I am into vore (don't like it, then just leave I guess •_•' ) and giant roleplays.
I have many of my own characters that I use for roleplays, including characters that are from existing properties! Come and chat if you are ever bored or depressed like me!
P.S: If you are blocked, then you either annoy me or piss me off.

Instagram: tysonturnpike
Furaffity: tysonturnpike
Art Fight: TysonTurnpike
Twitter: tysonturnpike
Discord: tysonturnpike #9909
Telegram: tysonturnpike

I am currently 19.
My birthday is October 7th.
  • New Hampshire
  • JoinedJune 11, 2014

Last Message
popper126 popper126 Dec 23, 2020 05:18AM
I just scrolled down and saw my OLD messages. God I was cringe...I am 19 now and do little writings from time to time but not full on books for Wattpad.I’m tysonturnpike on pretty much all websites...
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