
          	guess whos back with a tmnt hyperfixation
          	help the tism got me again


just had a weird af dream.
          my grandparents house was haunted by some demon or smth and you had to go around the house and look for a "clue" which was the time you would die that night and mine said 11:15 and i was about to be sacrificed tp the demon at 11:15 but some random dude was like "I'll go first" even tho it wasnt his time and then there was a loud noise from outside the house and my dad was like "that was definitely a car crash". like bro how tf do you know the sound of a car crash? is it really that recognizable? idk ive never been in one but whatever. anyway i was getting freaked out when my dad said that and i got the feeling that if i looked outside i would see something absolutely terrifying. so i just SKIPPED TO THE END OF THE DREAM. APPARENTLY I CAN DO THAT. I DIDNT KNOW. so then my dad was making coffee and put scrambled eggs in his coffee mug and then just poured coffee into the mug eith the eggs in it bc yes that makes perfect sense and then he just DRANK IT. and then i woke up. istg i have the weirdest dreams.


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i saw mcr live for my birthday and it was the best night of my entire fucking life


and its not exactly a rare song but they played hang em high and i just about fukcing died


they played this is the best day ever and desert song


@poprocks_dude did they play any rare songs?!! 


does anyone else get a song stuck in their head but you dont know most of the lyrics so its just like two lines playing over and over again and it just drives you insane?


@UghhhhPeople it was sugar soaker for me


@poprocks_dude touch you is my song lol