
If I see one more edit of Josh whatshisname I will lose it 


Hallo how have u been? 


@porgeater that's relatable yeah, I've been pretty good, other than the cough im getting over lol


@DarthBologna Oh hi! I have been okay, a little stress here and there. How have you been?


ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT- So I just watched Rock of Ages and wHy wAsNt StaCeE gIvEn MoRe ScREeN tImE?!?!?!?!? 
          Like he was literally the best thing about that movie 
          Come on! Can we just have a Stacee movie?
          I don’t care about Drew or Sherie or Paul (no one cares about Paul) or Lonny I CARE ABOUT THE ROCKSTAR WITH A PET MONKEY AND A DRINKING PROBABLY 
          So the musical that Tom Cruise and McQ are working on better be the Stacee Jaxx story! -_- 
          (Or it could be a different story, I’m just interested in what they will do with it)