
WP ERROR LAGII. aku tunda dlu yaa update kaikai


Bener eror huhu, ini aja baru masuk notif kak 


kak tau gak sih, aku baru aja selesai baca new chaptersnya duo Kai terus sekarang aku kangen sama mereka T___T.... semangat naskahannya ya kak! i love your works so much since The Lonely Prince, SAMPE SEKARANG AKU SELALU EXCITED nunggu update dari karya tulis kaaamuuu <3333


@bibliophile_zip lucu bangeeettt❤️ thank you yaaaa for loving my works!!!!


@bibliophile_zip ON GOING!!!! terus lanjut deh sampe sekarang baca cerita kakak, bahkan semua cerita kakak aku masukin ke eternal reading lists karena emang secinta itu! ❤️


@bibliophile_zip HAIII! OMG THANK YOUUU! kamu ngikutin TLP pas on going kahhh atau versi novellll 


Haii Helen!!
          I hope you're doing well over there. Sorry for the sudden long message, but I just wanted to say that I really, really, really love your works! I've been following you since The Lonely Prince was still ongoing . I also followed you on IG .
          When I saw a brief spoiler of Kaizy & Kyros in your IGS, I was immediately hooked. However, I hesitated to read their story at first because I thought high school sweethearts' stories might not match my taste anymore. But out of curiosity, I gave it a try—and now, I'M OBSESSED !
          It's been forever since I last opened my Wattpad account, and you're the reason I'm back here . I can't wait to see more of our K duo’s dynamics—I bet you have plenty of twists and turns in store for them .
          Please keep writing, but don't forget to drink water and rest well, Helen . I hope it's always warm and cozy where you are ☀️☀️.
          Best regards,
          Kaizy & Kyros' biggest shipper,


@fairyjwenx HAI THERE FAI. no wonder u soundddd familiarrr. kamu pembacaku dari jaman purba gaksih yaampunnn so happy to see ure backkk! thankyou for the long and sweet message. glad u enjoy duo kaiii! in the meantimeee, kalo kamu gabut, bisa baca ceritaku yang baru aja tamatttt (Two Slow Dancers) huahuahua siapa tau kamuuuu sukakkk jugaaa❤️