@posingholy Anyway, back to the publishing point, it is true that they desire 80K words novels, but I find it so hilarious that I’ve seen published authors say the exact same thing as you. I mean, it’s no coincidence that a lot of famous authors were teachers. Not everyone of them even enjoys teaching. But, majority of them loved writing so much that becoming something like a teacher gave them time to write when they got home. What I encourage you to do if you are able to write so quickly, write a shorter novel later. Something standalone, that reflects your writing style in an honest way. Go query it. You may not find a response right away because the publishing scene can be a hot mess, but send out some queries once in a while. I’ve read published novels that aren’t even as well-written as yours.
Try not to let your confidence wane. The audience on wattpad is not at all the same as the publishing scene, and I really think you should pursue publishing one day, even if its a small agency.