WELLLLL PEEPS IT'S OCTOBER 11th! Happy National Coming Out Day. Coming out does not only mean that you are saying you are gay or lesbian.
You could be coming out by saying you are bi, pan, ace, demi, poly, and a host of other things. Normally, people use the term "coming out" for telling people about your sexuality, but you can also use the term to talk about your gender or romantic(ness?)
!!!ALSO!!! Your sexuality, gender, and romantic(ness?) are nobody's business but yours, so unless someone calls you by the wrong pronoun or says something you don't like, you totally don't have to announce to the world what and who you are.
I know this message has no context, so here are some reasons why I posted it:
• I AM PAN (please look it up if you don't know what it is and also it's NOT the same as bi)
• People need to be educated about this stuff
• Maybe other people will decide to come out today
• I want to ward all homophobes/transphobes/sexists/any people that are against the LGBTQ+ movement
• People who are not in the first three letters of LGBTQ+ are often forgotten about
• I can provide answers to a lot of questions people have
• I'm super passionate about this
• I'm not sexually attracted to pans
• I will barf rainbows on any haters for you
P.S. Gay means happy.