
its been a few weeks since her passing, so I think I can finally say it.
          	Off with the Queen! 


mfs jus be hating sasuke for no reason fr 


@Drekonian Dayum it's a fictional character but you goddam rolled him,


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@Wrench-Senpai I don't even feel like going into the long list of dumb bullshit the crybaby bitch does that make people dislike him, so how about I just feed you the main three? 
            He's an edgy cunt who bitches about how the world wronged him, and then turns around and is an utter fucking asshole to everyone.
            Naruto is so eager to suck his taint the story takes a bit of a Sasuke circle jerk fest in Shippuden. And by that point, he has been an antagonistic little shit, that spouts bullshit for the sake of "plot convenience".
            His treatment of his brother's sacrifice is utterly disgraceful. The dude literally sacrificed everything to protect his village, and Sasuke went from, " My brother is a cock wrangling worm" to "I need to rape the village to exact vengeance for my beloved brother". When his brother did all he did to protect it. So yeah. Fuck Sasuke.


@Wrench-Senpai it's because he's a whiney bitch, edge lord. 


You said you have made many enemies and plan to get more, well, me on the other hand, you have earned my respect, I don't see many people be upfront and blunt as you, because of that you earned a follow, also since your so blunt i believe i can trust your do you got any good books to read.......


depends, what're you looking for?