
lowkey wanna feel so high school again


christmas vacations are going on right now, but I JUST got to know that the last day, when I didn't go to school, the biology marks were given and I??? ME???? ranked 1st with a 23/25. 
          I'm like, shocked. 
          I failed physics in the last test, with a 3/25, with my sister scoring like eons better. and it was my first time ever failing. let alone scoring so low.
          And I've been feeling very dumb since, worthless even. and this just. made me feel like, so much more better. I had forgotten how it felt to be smart and this just. God it made me tear up. I wish I would've found out earlier but it's like. I'm just really overjoyed. 
          And I felt like sharing it.


@AstroGea Thank you SO much and like i see it now, that it really is alright and that world doesn't end if you fail once.


@potions_master_394 AYYYY CONGRATS Physics can be hard, it's okay to fail a test once in a while, it doesn't mean you're stupid


          I just spent 3 hours organizing my playlist in alphabetical order when I've got exams tomorrow


@potions_master_394 Oooh, I never though about that! I love it! ❤️❤️❤️


@AstroGea that's what I've been telling myself


@Emily_Alba394 thank you sm and oh my god, matching(ish) usernames????? (394) 


lately it feels like I'm in a time loop almost. everyday is the same, nothing to look forward to. nothing to excite me anymore. im not sad. just bored out of my brains. it feels like I'm getting stupider day by day because of the lack of processing going through my brain. i am talking, i am studying but it's the same thing everyday. i feel like i would prefer a natural calamity over this, it would atleast get me going instead of waiting all day for it to be night and all night for it to be day. 


thank you, I'd work on it, truly. its just that with all these assignments and exams I hardly get time to myself. but once these exams are over I'll get to it. 


That’s exactly how I felt for a while, I still do sometimes, I’d take naps during the day just to get the day over with so I can deal with the next one. What id say for advice is to find one thing that makes you happy and do it. (Get out of the house and do something just one thing that gives you joy) I promise it will lighten up your day even if it’s just a little bit


Hey Ash~
          Hope you're doing good~


That's great to hear  :))


@potions_master_394 alhamdullilah doing fine~


Hey Scarlett~
            I'm doing greatt~
            I hope your doing brilliant yourself too~


"Idk what to put here" -ur bio
          Just order from a bio shop
          M scars on another account btw


@potions_master_394 yea thx!
            I got mine from ERISED, it's on my reading list on my other account. I think it's retiring soon-


oooh, I kind of got that, where'd you get yours from? 
            also, its great to hear from you again!!


          sooo basically I got results for my this year's finals, anddd I got like 81.3 percentage, which is all great n stuff, but my twin sister scored 81.5 percentage. don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to see her perform better than me, but I'm reallyyy down about the fact that she scored better than me in English. Math? Science? literally anything else? I wouldn't have been much affected, but English has ALWAYS been my subject of expertise and interest among the two of us, and, don't get me wrong, but I've ALWAYS scored more than her (in everything) until recently. It took me some time keeping my grudge about scoring less aside and genuinely being happy for her, but I did it, and then suddenly, she scored better in the only subject I took pride in. and it makes no sense, because I scored more in all of the practice tests, hell, I even ranked in most of those. So that bummed me out. I know it may sound like I'm being a bad person because I'm not happy about her scoring more, but it is what it is, and I can't really change how I feel about stuff, yk? Thank you for taking your time out and reading this vent.


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@tubbodabeekid Thank you so much!!! I'll try and be happy for her success. And I know what it's like to feel like the "dumb" twin. I'm sorry you had to go through it too. Just know, that you're not dumb.


it’s still a really good score for your finals! Just keep in mind you still did really good and be happy for your twins success. I have a twin too btw and I remember how mad I got whenever she got better grades than me since my parents would always compare us and I always felt like the “dumb” twin